ZEIT online – Deutschland : Das braune Deutschland

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ZEIT online – Deutschland : Das braune Deutschland

This is a german article about a (probably) german problem. While I’m sure that this is not understood everywhere in the world, we still carry the burden of being the evil country from WWII. However there are forces especially in Eastern Germany (which is the part of Germany I live in) that still don’t understand that killing millions of people for whatever reason is bad and evil and that people should not be glorified for doing so. They propagate racism and hatred against whatever kind of people they dislike. That’s not even the main problem: Most of the “good ones” don’t oppose such people but ignore them and let them continue spreading their bullshit. Of course there is a certain danger in confronting them but as this article explains, standing up against those jerks is the only veritable sign that we don’t support them and that they are not right!


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