Anyone who has had to write a paper that required bibliographical notes knows how much of a pain it could be. You have to know which style your audience requires. You have to know it by heart – either that or always check the style guide. Freelance writers with clients who require a specific style will be able to relate. So can students in college or uni.
What if I were to tell you that there is an app for that?1
As a matter of fact, there is an app for that! A bunch of undergrads from the University of Waterloo have put their heads together for the benefit of all students – and writers – out there and have created an app that will scan the barcode of a book and then e-mail you the citation. I know what you’re thinking – it sucks to have gotten your degree many years ago and to have laboriously put together all those citations!
The app goes one step further by covering all bases. You can choose which style to follow – APA, Chicago, IEEE, or MLA. This actually reminds me of that Big Bang Theory episode where the guys got together to create an app that would read handwritten differential equations and solve them. This app is for real, though, and is called Quick Cite. 2 For those of you who will save hours and hours of work, thank the guys at 7Cubed.3
Here’s a video that will give you a little more insight into the app.
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Published on
- Via Fast Company [↩]
- Get it at the App Store for 99 cents [↩]
- 7Cubed Site [↩]
Very cool! Also, have a look at the video because they made other apps that might be of interest.