SWIM | Mirrors by Justin Timberlake

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Justin Timberlake 2020 Tour 008 by J Vettorino

In Germany we call it Ohrwurm (ear-worm). It’s a song you hear somewhere and that gets stuck in your head somehow. This is one such song, and although it’s been a big hit, I didn’t really realize it by Justin Timberlake until I was searching for it. It seems that insightful lyrics can be found almost anywhere. I truly like the mirror metaphore 🙂

Mirrors – Justin Timberlake

"Cause I don't wanna lose you now
I'm lookin' right at the other half of me
The vacancy that sat in my heart
Is a space that now you hold
Show me how to fight for now
And I'll tell you, baby, it was easy
Comin' back here to you once I figured it out
You were right here all along
It's like you're my mirror
My mirror staring back at me
I couldn't get any bigger
With anyone else beside me"


I hope you have a chilled and calm Sunday and a good start into the week tomorrow 🙂

Photo by J Vettorino via flickr (CC-BY)

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