music with iTunes

yodahomeFilme, Meinungen, movies, thoughts, viaLetterboxd1 Comment

It’s fantastic!I have to admit that I’ve fallen in love somehow… with Apple. I always wondered about their machines and then researched a bit until I finally understood that Apple products always have that little extra thought put into them. They work AND they look good.But they are expensive. And so I don’t own any product up to now but … Read More

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yodahomecomputer games, Computerspiele, Filme, Meinungen, movies, thoughts4 Comments

Well, it’s (as far as I know) a famous movie by Michael Moore (add 9/11), a science-fiction novel that also made it into a movie by Ray Bradbury (add 451) and in some strange parts of this world it’s an objective way to express the actual temperature which I cannot really understand for we in Germany use Celsius degrees. 451 … Read More

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first post / gmail accounts

yodahomeOhne KategorieLeave a Comment

Believe it or not… this is the first time I’d like to present my weird thoughts… so I’ll start blogging…right now! There’s a new elite evolving among us (and with ‘us’ I mean all the people that are willing to call themselves geeks or nerds). You probably already recognized it. They’re called OoGa (Owner of GMail accounts). And they’re, well, … Read More

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Aus dem Archiv: Alte Gedichte (Fremdschämen bis 2007)

yodahomeGedichte, SchreibenLeave a Comment


Geistige Ergüsse meinerseits nach dem Motto “In der Kürze liegt die Würze”. Vorsicht, denn hier tummelt sich sowohl Tiefsinniges als auch (äußerst) Profanes. Fröhliches und Trauriges. Gefühlvolles und Banales. Auf deutsch und englisch. Unter den Texten steht wenn möglich das Datum, hier finden sich diverse Werke die 2007 oder früher entstanden sind.

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