The Last Jedi or the review that took quite a long time…

yodahomemovies, thoughts2 Comments

Star Wars The Last Jedi (2017) Promo Art

I haven’t written any reviews for some time. But I guess writing about Star Wars is a must, especially since reception of the latest movie, the second episode in the third trilogy, has been mixed. Why is that? Apparently it’s not a bad movie, but something seems to be off. Let’s dive into it.

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RP1 – A High-Five left hanging? – Ready Player One movie review

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RP1 - Parzival promo art

Ready Player One is based on the novel by Ernest Cline, which I read or rather that was read to me by Will Wheaton. I liked it for it’s attempt to capture the essence of fandom on the pop culture of the 1970s to 1990s. Knowing that Steven Spielberg would be directing the movie I was really looking forward to how they would adapt the story for the big screen and whether the movie could capture the spirit of the book.

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Back from retirement – a review of Blade Runner 2049

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25 years after the first movie (directed by Ridley Scott in 1982) Denis Villeneuve presents us with a second act in the story that really was only meant to be a Film Noir detective story set in the future but accidentally defined the idea of cyberpunk for all the movies that came after it.

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On intelligent software – Reviewing Her (2012)

yodahomeFilme, Meinungen, movies, thoughts1 Comment


Technology is evolving. Transhumanists like Ray Kurzweil argue that in the not to distant future we will have artificial intelligence clever enough to improve itself, maybe even develop human traits like consciousness and creativity. And given that software is already everywhere around us it might well be software that first makes the final step. Could happen, right? No more windows? The story … Read More

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Mehr von kleinen Hobbits und großen Drachen – Filmkritik Smaugs Einöde

yodahomeFilme, Meinungen, movies, thoughts1 Comment

Poster Hobbit - Smaugs Einöde (Bilbo)

Zu Weihnachten (ja, schon etwas her) habe ich mich ja umfänglich über Skyrim geäußert, unter anderem mit der Beobachtung, dass es in den oberen Stufen ein Leichtes ist einen Drachen zu töten. Und es wimmelt vor Drachen in diesem Spiel.
Im Kino konnte man etwa zeitgleich auch Drachen bestaunen, allerdings nur einen mit dem Namen Smaug. Und anders als der Titel vermuten lässt, ist das ein ziemlich gelungener zweiter Teil von Peter Jackson Interpretation des Hobbit.

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