I think I liked this one slightly better than the first one, but there are still plot holes the size of tree roots IMHO (or humpback whales if that’s more appropriate). There’s also an equal number of stereotypes and clichés paraded throughout the pi…
A final review: Star Wars – The Rise of Skywalker (2019)
It’s been a while since in December 2019 the ninth and final entry in the so-called Skywalker Saga blasted into cinemas all over the globe. This is my review, and it is late, because not only did I not really find the time to write it down I also wasn’t really sure what to make of the movie. As a … Read More
The Last Jedi or the review that took quite a long time…
I haven’t written any reviews for some time. But I guess writing about Star Wars is a must, especially since reception of the latest movie, the second episode in the third trilogy, has been mixed. Why is that? Apparently it’s not a bad movie, but something seems to be off. Let’s dive into it.
RP1 – A High-Five left hanging? – Ready Player One movie review
Ready Player One is based on the novel by Ernest Cline, which I read or rather that was read to me by Will Wheaton. I liked it for it’s attempt to capture the essence of fandom on the pop culture of the 1970s to 1990s. Knowing that Steven Spielberg would be directing the movie I was really looking forward to how they would adapt the story for the big screen and whether the movie could capture the spirit of the book.
Back from retirement – a review of Blade Runner 2049
25 years after the first movie (directed by Ridley Scott in 1982) Denis Villeneuve presents us with a second act in the story that really was only meant to be a Film Noir detective story set in the future but accidentally defined the idea of cyberpunk for all the movies that came after it.