Having read the biography of Steve Jobs I basically knew the story and I guess the movie gets it mostly right. Kutcher plays Jobs very convincing but there are problems. The choice not to look into Jobs’ early life and not really explaining where he’s coming for example.
Das Ende des dunklen Ritters – Review
Dieses ist der letzte Streich. Derzeit läuft The Dark Knight Rises noch in den Kinos, der dritte und letzte Batman-Film von Christopher Nolan und damit die Fortsetzung des wahnwitzig erfolgreichen The Dark Knight. Wir bemerken die etwas inkonsequente Benamsung, da man ja mit Batman Begins begann. Logischer wäre also z.B. Batman lasts (Batman Returns ist ja leider schon belegt) oder … Read More
Harry Potter VII – opinion and two related thoughts
Image by drewesque via Flickr Well, I just returned from cinema where I watched the latest installment of the Harry Potter series – known as “Harry Potter and the Half-Blood prince” in the original (=non-localized) version. I will first try to say something about the movie itself and then come to two thoughts that crossed my mind after I watched … Read More